Frequently Asked Questions

Why, oh, why?


Am I cognitively fit to use inxs?

If you’re comfortable with Python and delb, you propably are. Just give it a try to solve a smaller problem. If you don’t get a grip on something that may be due to the immature documentation.

If you aren’t, you should be willing to get acquainted with both. In this case it is recommended to test your understanding and assumptions without inxs as well. bpython and Jupyter are great playgrounds.

Can I get help?

In case you carefully studied the documentation, just open an issue on the issue tracker. Mind that you can’t get supported to solve your actual problem, but rather to understand and use inxs as a tool to do so.

Can I produce HTML output with inxs?

One thing you may do is to rather produce XHTML, but that is lacking modern HTML features you may want to use. Here’s a trick to produce actual HTML:

  • produce an XML tree without namespace declarations using the HTML tag set
  • serialize the result into a string
  • mangle that through pytidylib