Source code for inxs.utils

import string
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Dict

from inxs.constants import REF_IDENTIFYING_ATTRIBUTE

# TODO add unicode whitespaces
WHITESPACES_WO_SPACE = string.whitespace.replace(" ", "")

# helpers

__all__ = []

def export(func):
    return func

# utils

[docs]@export def is_Ref(obj): """ Tests whether the given object is a reference to a symbol. """ return hasattr(obj, REF_IDENTIFYING_ATTRIBUTE)
@lru_cache(8) def _make_whitespace_translation_table(chars: str) -> Dict[int, str]: return str.maketrans(chars, " " * len(chars))
[docs]@export def reduce_whitespaces( text: str, translate_to_space: str = WHITESPACES_WO_SPACE, strip: str = "lr" ) -> str: """ Reduces the whitespaces of the provided string by replacing any of the defined whitespaces with a simple space (U+20) and stripping consecutive ones to a single one. :param text: The input string. :param translate_to_space: The characters that should are defined as whitespace. Defaults to all common whitespace characters from the ASCII set. :param strip: The 'sides' of the string to strip from any whitespace at all, indicated by 'l' for the beginning and/or 'r' for the end of the string. :returns: The resulting string. """ translation_table = _make_whitespace_translation_table(translate_to_space) result = text.translate(translation_table) if "l" in strip: result = result.lstrip() if "r" in strip: result = result.rstrip() while " " in result: result = result.replace(" ", " ") return result
[docs]@export def resolve_Ref_values_in_mapping(mapping, transformation): """ Returns a mapping where all references to symbols are replaced with the current value of these symbols. """ result = mapping.__class__() for key, value in mapping.items(): if is_Ref(value): result[key] = value(transformation) else: result[key] = value return result